Natural Local Foods From Farm, Field & Forest

Specializing in wild, artisan, and exotic foods, all picked, produced, or grown sustainably by loving hands.  

Wholesale delivery available in the greater Pittsburgh region, and other select areas of Pennsylvania.  Please inquire for our wholesale product guide.





The high quality beef that Wild Purveyors offers is cut from choice beef cattle raised in Pennsylvania, on pasture, and always free of synthetic hormone inputs or antibiotic boosters. We work with over a dozen farms from around Pennsylvania to secure the finest locally-raised beef possible. We charge based on finished weight, which is meat ready to cook out of the package.

Please select the choice of beef you are interested in:

100% Grassfed Beef
from $291.90

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WILD PURVEYORS|  Pittsburgh, PA   |  412-879-1000

©2009-2022  Wild Purveyors Enterprises.  All Rights Reserved.